Friday, May 30, 2008

an article that turned my world upside-down

a link: to "the gospel of a new order" by jim wallis

i read this article after years of questioning, questioning, asking "what is the gospel?!"
i heard so many messages from so many directions, and i just kept searching.
i read this article-- it turned my world upside down.
when i finished, i thought, if what he's saying is true, if this really is the gospel,
then it really is something worth dying for... worth living for.
... so to check if it matched up at all with who Jesus was/is and what He preached,
i turned and read the whole gospel of Matthew,
underlying phrases that matched up
(like 'the gospel of the kingdom' (new for me!) and repent... and follow me)
oh gosh-- stretched soo much of what i thought the gospel was- challenged my assumptions
pushed my box open, led me to Christ asking Him to help me really understand...
turned my world upside-down.

read it.
Totally worth every minute.

... but don't just drink it in without discernment.
please. never. with anything.
but read it with an open heart and mind
and then (my personal recommendation), read Matthew.

then give me your thoughts- please! (whether or not you believe in this!)
i'm still seeking, continually learning about the gospel. walk with me- help me! thanks!


(immigrant) said...

did i mention that it's really long?

but worth it for the discussion!

Adelaide Brown said...

Hey Girl, the link isn't working for me and I couldn't find it on google. I would like to read it though.

Larissa said...

I couldn't get the link to work, either... hmm.

(immigrant) said...

hmmm... will be working on that

Brian said...

I would be interested in reading Jim Wallis myself. He is largely known as a disciple of the Social Gospel movement, first penned in the early 1900s by Walter Rauschenbush.

(immigrant) said...

interesting to say that-- this article hits a lot on 'what is the "gospel"', and on the social gospel, wallis says this(paraphrase): it's neither a personal gospel nor a social gospel, nor even a gospel of 'both'... it is that both are so inextricably intertwined that you can't even separate them...

check it out...
and,okay, i have found myself techno inept, so i can't figure how to post the pdf, but i have it as a google doc so if you want to see it, let me know and i'll share it w you that way